Wednesday 23 November 2011


-A story to tell people not to be afraid to express their feelings-

# falling in love ? nda semestinya happy sampai ke penghujung . nda semuanya berakhir dengan kegembiraan . berani katakan " i love you " dengan dia ? emm , myb berani sebab kamu betul-betul suka dengan dia sudah , kan ? myb takut sebab kamu takut dia nda terima kamu atau nanti kamu takut dia ndakan pandang kamu lagi . susahnya ):


kita mulakan cerita (:

she had a boyfriend , she grew up with him .
bagi dia , cuma lelaki tulah satu-satunya untuk dia . tiada orang lain sudah dapat ganti tempat lelaki tu .
&& to her , that boy is the most important && precious .
TAPI , bagi tu lelaki . she was just another girl...

GIRL : hey , wanna go to a movie .
GUY : i can't .
GIRL : why ? do you need to study at home or something ?
GUY : emm , NO .
GIRL : then , what are you doing ?
GUY : i'm meeting up with... a friend .

perkara biasa (: he met girls in front of her . ohhh ! macamana perasaan tu ? dibuat macam tiada perasaan jak ):
to him , she was just another one of his girlfriend .
shiittt juga kan ? emm .

the word L-O-V-E never came out of his mouth , only her's .
sejak dia kenal dengan tu lelaki , nda pernah sekali pun dia dengar perkataan " I LOVE YOU " dari dia .
to him , there weren't any anniversaries at all . he didn't say anything from the first day && it continued till 100 days....200 days...

everyday , before they say goodbye . he would just hand her a doll . everyday , non-stop && fail . she didn't know why .


GIRL : hey you .
GUY : what ? don't drag , just say .
GUY : em ? you what ? just take this doll , && go home .

that was how he ignored her ' three words ' && handed her the doll .

then her disapeared , as if he was running away .
patung yang dia terima dari lelaki tu , sudah memenuhi biliknya . one by one . && semakin banyak .

then one day come , her 16th year old birthday . when she got up in the morning , she pictured a party with him (:
she stranded herself in her room , waiting for his call .
but... lunch passed , dinner passed && soon the sky was dark . he still didn't call .
it was tiring to look at the phone anymore ):

then , yeahh ! around 2am in the morning , he suddenly called her && woke her up from her sleep .

then , he told her to go outside her house , she was so excited :3

GIRL : hey you .
GUY : here , take this .
 # && again , he handed her a little doll .
GIRL : what's this ?
GUY : i didn't give it to you yesterday . so , i am giving it to you now . i'm going home now , bye !
GIRL : wait ! do you know what today is ?
GUY : today ? what about it ?

her heart sank . dia sangka lelaki tu ingat birthday nya . lelaki tu berpusing && berjalan pulang seperti tiada apa-apa terjadi .
but , before he could get away she shouted " WAIT ! "

GUY : you have something to say ?
GIRL : tell me... tell me that you love me .
GUY : what did you say ?
GIRL : tell me please ! it's just three words .
GUY : I DON'T WANT TO SAY ! that i love someone so easily , if you're desperate to hear it . then find someone else !

that what was he said . then he ran off .

how could he . she felt that maybe he is not the right guy for her .

after that day , she stranded herself at home crying , just crying . he didn't call her , although she was waiting . he just continued handing her a little doll every morning outside her house .
that's how those the dolls piled up in her room . everyday (:

after a month , she got myself together && went to school . but what made the pain resurface was that .
she saw him on a street , with another girl .
he had a smile on his face . one that he never showed her as he touched the doll .

she ran straight back home && looked at the dolls in her room , && tears fell . why did he gave these to her ?

those dolls are probably picked out by some other girls .
in a fit of anger , she threw the dolls around .
it was him .
he told her to come out to the bus stop outside her house . she tried to calm herself down && walked to the bus stop .

she kept reminding herself that she was going to forget him . that , it's going to end . then , he came into her sight . HE WAS HOLDING THE BIG DOLL .

GUY : you came . i thought you were upset .

she couldn't help hating him . acting like nothing had happen && joking around . soon , he held out the doll as usual .

GUY : what ? why ?

she grabbed the doll from his hand && threw it on the road .

GIRL : i don't need this doll ! i don't need it anymore ! i don't want to see a person like you EVER AGAIN !

she spat out the words .

but , unlike any other day . his eyes were shaking .

" I'M SORRY " he apologized in a tiny && shaking voice .
he then walked over to the road to pick up the doll .

GIRL : you stupid ! just leave the doll , throw it away !

but he ignored her . then...


with the loud honks the big truck was heading toward him .

GIRL : MOVE ! move away !

she shouted as loud as she could .

he stood up && look at her with sad eyes ):



the sound was terrifying , she screamed && she cried .
but nothing could bring him back ):
no matter how much she wished that she could take back the words that she said to him . -she couldn't-
&& that's was how he went away from her .

after that day , she had to go through everyday with guiltiness && the sadness of losing him .

&& after spending two months like a crazy person . she finally took out the dolls .

those were the only gifts he left her since the day they started going out . she remembered the days she spent with him . && she started counting the days , when they were in love....

" ONE , TWO , THREE " that was how she started to count the dolls .
it all ended with 485 dolls .

she then started to cry again , with a doll in her arms . she hugged it tightly , then suddenly...


" ? " she picked up the dolls && pressed its stomach .
it can't be ! she pressed all the dolls' stomach as it piled on the side .
those word came out non-stop . I..LOVE YOU . why didn't she realize that ? that his heart was always by her side , protecting me .
why didn't she realize that he love her this much . she took out the doll under the bed && pressed it's stomach .
that was the last doll , the one that fell on the road . it had a blood stain on it .
the voice came out . that she was missing so much .
" Hun , do you know what today is ? we've been loving each other for 486 days . do you know what 486 days is ? i couldn't say i love you . em , since i was too shy . if you forgive me && take this doll , i will say that I LOVE YOU "

the tears came flowing out of her . WHY ? WHY ? she asked God . why does she only know about all this now ? he can't be by her side but he loved her until his last minute .
for that , && for that reason to her , it became courage to live a beautiful life .


salam sayang : pkajiel

Tuesday 22 November 2011

4 SCIENCE 2 2011. . .

anduu , kelasku ! RINDU mau p kelas plak . sampai aku ndak dapat tidur semalam teringat kenangan-kenangan dalam kelas tu :) nama jak kelas sains , tapi nakalnya . astaga ! HAHA , aku sama dorang jak tau camana keadaan kelas tu . dengan perempuannya yang cute-cute pastu lelakinya yang handsome-handsome [ ea lh tuuuu ;p ] famous kelas kami kalau di bilik guru   :D

 HAHA , beginilah keadaan kelas kami kalau sudah time sir wong , cikgu PHYSICS kami . kesiann ): kalau sudah masanya berlarian durang semua cari tempat stay . kalau stay di kelas pun tiduuuuurrrr jak lh . HAHA , ine lah nama nya kelas sains :D anduu . dibuat macam ndada apa-apa jak di depan . disuru salin nota ndamau . tulah , balik-balik GAGAL fizik . HEHE . camana lah mau spm thun depan . kankan ? emm ):

# begini lah tu sudah muka-muka kami kalau sudah mengantuk berabis tu . nda larat sudah mau bangun . HEHE , ine time fizik . kata sir wong , dalam banyak-banyak kelas yang dia ajar kelas kami kunu paling diam . diam bukan sebab apa , tapi sebab semua T-I-D-U-R ! HEHE .

dalam kelas kami tu nda pernah lh cikgu keluar dari kelas tu senang hati . ada pun jarang-jarang . HEHE , paling && the most nda senang hati keluar dai kelas kami teacher chia . cikgu ADDMATHS . dorang panggil cikgu messi . sebab rambut nya macam c MESSI . pemain bola tuuuu :D penjahat kan ?

kalau di kelas tu , subjek yang kami nda berani mau tidur CHEMISTRY , ENGLISH , AGAMA :p kalau kimia cikgu greanna ajar . best kalau dia mengajar . nda aku boring (: tapi kalau dia explain something , laju betul dia bercakap . tulah , mesti sentiasa alert kalau dia mengajar . tertinggal sikit nda faham sudah . kalau nda faham tu , pandai tu tertidur . HEHE . satu orang tidur , yang lain ikut :D

naa , ne teacher chang . penolong guru kelas kami . cantik dia ne , love her eyes && mouth . kecik-kecik . comell ! HEHE , dia ajar kami english . suka aku kalau dia sudah speaking , && dia ne pun sporting . selalu di suruhnya kami makan kalau rasa-rasa mau tidur . HEHE , first-first jumpa sama dia time baru masuk sekolah . semua kami fikir dia ne garang , nda sporting . rupanya , sudah lama kenal dia nda macam yang disangka . HEHE , sometime , kalau datang sotnya buat lawak lh tu dia , nda pun puji dirinya sendiri :D cuma gambar teacher ne jak aku ada . gambar cikgu lain ndada . sorry ):

agama , yupp ! subjek yang paling banyak salin nota . namun , aku suka ! HEHE , mencurahkan dakwat pen atas kertas . tambah-tambah lagi tulisan ku comell ! :pp kidding bh . HEHE , kalau time agama , aku suka ustazah bagi ceramah . insaf sekejap . lepas tu , dilupa sudah . aduyy ! ndalah dilupa sangat . paling best time agama ne , c ruzaidi bersyco sama ustazah . kalau sudah dorang bersyco macam separuh masa ustazah mengajar tu diguna utk syco c zaii . HEHE , kalau ustazah menyaiko sampai dicakapnya c zaii berbulu lebat di lutut . terus lah c zaii lawan balik . yang kami ne pun support jak mana-mana . HEHE , rindunya lah ):

# ne c zai yang aku cakap tu . HEHE , handsome kh ? :p classmate ku time darjah 6 . nakal betul ! tapi kalau ndada dia di kelas nda best . tiada yang dibikin ketawa :) nda sabar tunggu tahun depan . anduu , form 5 sudah . besar sudah kau zaii . HEHE .

# ne cikgu AKAUN kami . selalu marah sama kami . tapi ndapa . HEHE , dua budak sebelah cikgu tu c raem && azhar .  mau gak lh ampit . kankan ? HEHE . mau gak famous . mau gak mau gak . HAHA .

# ne c richmond , budak pandai . dia duduk di belakang sama c jovincent . pandai main gitar , jarang dia bercakap . HEHE , time ne nda tau lh dia mau p mana . p makmal kali . macam mau bergaduh jak :D

# ne ketua kelas kami (: ex c raem . aww ! HAHA . dia ganti c afiq jadi ketua kelas . nda ketahanan c afiq mengurus sama kami . kesiann :p dia ne pun balik-balik menangis dikerjakan oleh dorang c zaii . anduu .

# kencang yang wajahhh ! HEHE , ne c zaii + azhar . kembar siang kami . c zaii kalau sudah bercakap nda pandai stop ! kalau c azhar kalau sudah malu merah berabis sudah mukanya . HEHE .

# trep-trep belajar ! HEHE , maka sibuk bergambar . macam balik-balik muka c zaii di blog ku ne . HEHE , ndada bh zaii . tu tandanya aku sayng sama kau tuu . naaa . nda kau bangga ? HEHE , ne d library sekolah . yang mana kamu nampak cute di gambar ne tulah aku ;pp

# naa , begini lah muka-muka study hard ! ;pp aduyy , siapalah snap gambar ku time-time aku study hard ne . HAHA .

# anduu bh . c manja + suriyana . comel kan ? HEHE , rindu plak sama dorang ):

# yeahhh ! itulah kami . berjalan-jalan serbu rumah orang . time ne raya . HEHE , satu kampung lagi p beraya . sweet nya lh (: macam larian marathon jak aku tengok . HAHA . comelnya c nana nash . rindu sama dia ):

# ne c del . sebelahnya tu bekas ketua kelas kmai . c afiq . trep-trep muka spongebob lagi :D tapi serius yang muka c del . muka-muka gay ! :DD nda bh , maen-maen jak . hhe .

# ne c sepul . chinese boy kami panggil dia . HEHE , macam-macam cerita kami share sama-sama . kalau habis time rehat , mesti dipanggilnya aku " pka sayanggggg . air bh minta " aku ne kan baik hati , jadi ku bagi lah . HEHE .

# naa , yang di hujung muka-muka cina tu c mazira . yang tengah c miera yang di hujung of course c arma . please lhhh ! kan arma ? HAHA .

# begini lah kalau sudah keboringan . segala tengkorak di bawa bergambar , di bawa bershake hand , di bawa berkawan . HEHE . pasti lah ! nda kira apa tetap boleh jadi kawan kita (:

macam-macam boleh dibuat dalam kelas tu . antaranya :

# just BESTFRIEND -ealah-

 # sudah ku cakap kan . mau buat itu kh ine , silakan :D

# yanyan + manja . anduu , sweetnya dorang kan . HEHE .

# ne c amalina . penolong ketua kelas . HEHE , dia ne suka mengac kena orang . terutamanya c zaii . anduu bh , sampai mau menangis c zaii c lyena tapuk tali lehernya . HAHA .

# c aiman , the magician boy . HAHA , magic yang dia buat bikin aku terkejut . dia kac koyak duit dengan pensel . tapi nda koyak tu duit . HEHE , biasalah tuu , shhhuutt . secret ! ;p

# ne shue . budak baru kelas kami . nda lh baru sangat . mau yang paling baru ? c naseerudin . HEHE , aku nda tau lh apa sebenarnya dia mau buat dengan motor tu . dua orang di belakang tu pun sibuk jak lh . HEHE .

# ne time menunggu mereka yang lain . p beraya kunu :D

# tempat first kami p di tinusan . HEHE , naa . sempat lagi aku menapau makanan . nda malu kan ? HAHA .

# ne d rumah c afiq . makan roti jala + kari ayam . sedddap ! paling sedap makanan yang ku makan hari tu :p mau lagi bh ):

# begini lah kalau sudah buragas yang makan . HEHE , c sharin jadi photographer sekejap :p

# muka-muka kepenatan berjalan + makan . HEHE , sahabat terbaik . lihat lah tangan mereka . aww ! sweet . nda bohong :p

# time otw p rumah c afiq + fatin . HEHE . yang paling tepi pakai baju biru sama hitam tu macam ella + awie jak kn ? \m/ bh . HAHA .

# time di rumah c shue . HEHE , dari kiri ; jenny , niza && azhar .  tapi niza , macam dipaksa makan yang muka . HAHA , lek bh :p

# c pindik + nana nash . smart kan ? HEHE , time ne masih menunggu yang lain lagi mau gerak p beraya ramai-ramai . lepas dari kelas akaun terus out ! HEHE .

# otw sudah , yeahh ! HEHE , kecik nya aku . kata c raem aku budak darjah 4 . eakah ? HAHA .

# rumah c afiq . HEHE , menunggu mau makan . ;p

# muka-muka kekenyangan sudah :D

# the HOTTEST girl :p HEHE .

# muka-muka kelaparan . pindik + faiq :D lagi banyak sate c faiq dari c pindik . HEHE .

# the HOTTEST boy . lalalalala :p

# uuuu ! terpegun c afiq + arma menengok tu makanan . nda juga habis tu c raem  mengambil makanan . HAHA , comel muka kamu ;p

# again , muka-muka kelaparan . padahal aku lagi lapar time tu :p HEHE , nyumm !

# c ninie , HEHE . kalau dia ketawa bikin takut . seram aku ;p

# emm ? what's on your mind ?

# haiyaaa , rindunya time ne ):

# naa , babat + del . HEHE , penjahat dorang ketawakan babat ku . huhh !

# time kelas akaun :
cikgu : jadi , item ne mau simpan di mana ?
HAHA , semangat bh dia belajar akaun .

# time mengambil makanan . HEHE , naa del . lapar sangat kh ?

# uisehhmen ! posing habis sudah tu . HEHE , faiq asoi !

# tiga sekawan . anduuu bh . UNCLE BOB c zaii belum ku beli . kesiannya ):


yaa , ini lh kami :) budak-budak 4 science 2 . tahun depan 5 science 2 . belajar bagus-bagus kamu . spm sudah kita . emm , rindu sama kelas + kamu semua . terutama c ruzaidi . anduu bh . HEHE , harap tahun depan kita macam tahun ne . R-A-P-A-T (: biar pun ada yang sudah pindah ): biar pun ada yang dikac tinggal bestfriendnya yang pindah ke kk . harap kita tetap HAPPY (:

 we each take different paths in life , but no matter where we go , we take a little of each other everywhere (:

# don't JELOUS because we act stupid in public && people still love us (:

salam sayang : pkajiel